A New Perspective On Valentines Day - Self Love

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Hey Lovelies,

I’m back with another blog post, I know it’s been forever but you know how stressful life can be.. Okay fine, I’ve just not had much to talk about but I’m back !! ☺️

We have probably all heard the “Valentine is coming, where is your boyfriend ?..”song and some single people are like "here we go again.."Well I wanted to talk about *drum roll* ... self love for both the single and taken.

I believe that self love is honestly the best love. Seriously, if you don’t love yourself enough to know your value, how would find someone who knows your value ?

  5 Ways To Practice Self Love this Valentines Day 

Spoil Yourself: Get yourself a really cute gift that you’ve always wanted !

Take a Bath: Now, I don't mean just a shower. I mean, get some candles, chocolates, petals and set the mood right for a calm and relaxing bubble bath.

Organize a Spa day: Book an in-house facial or massage and relax. P.S if your city is under lockdown restrictions maybe try ordering the facials and essential oils online and then treat yourself to that pampering day off. 

Just Chill: Get yourself a bottle of wine and binge watch a new show.

Organize Something With Your Friends: There’s no better way to spend a special day than with your friends. My all time fave is to have a virtual cocktail class or a games night !

"Loving Yourself isn't Vanity. It is Sanity"

      - Katrina Mayer

I hope this gives you ideas of what to do this Valentine’s Day. I want to know what you end up doing for Valentines Day so see you in the comments.☺️



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